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Meet Tim Matz 

Father, husband,

traditional bow hunter,

and multidisciplinary movement coach

Through a synthesis of many schools of practice and emphasizing the natural environment, his aim is to empower people to take responsibility for their health through effective and accessible education. Armed with the understanding that nature heals, Tim's aim is to inspire others to get back to their natural habitat, revillage, and create a new and thriving world. 

Villager Testimonials
Practices and training for ALL HUMANS






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Membership Includes

Train Live w/ Tim 3x a Week 

Open to all walks of life and skill levels; regardless of your injury history, age, or gender. We go live three times a week so we can train together as villagers. Covering a multitude of disciplines and practices. All workouts are then added to the archives for on demand access so you can follow along on your own time.

Weekly Live Q and A's

Each of us requires slightly different approaches to programming our movement practice and lifestyle based on our unique conditions- genetics, age, location, injury history etc.  Once a week, I will go live with you to directly answer your questions, clarify techniques, and support you with whatever you need help with on your path. 

The Vault  

Hours of instructional videos teaching you a holistic approach to getting out of pain, building real-world strength and capability, and tending your nervous system. 

With your membership, you can look forward to regular updates and additions to our training library. This ensures that you always have access to the latest techniques, information, and programming to fit your unique needs, enhancing the value of your membership over time. 


Included in THE VAULT


Morning Routine: Step by step routine to open the body up in an effective and gentle way that respects your circadian rhythm and mobilizes as well as strengthens your body for the day. A solid morning routine is one of the most impactful health practices.


Nervous System, Pressure, and Posture Program: Learn the foundations of midline health and how to cultivate integration from the pallet to the pelvic floor. Our world is increasingly stressful, and having the tools to self-regulate and recover from the chaos is possibly the most valuable training you can possess today. Learn banded neck training, Deep Pressure Therapy, and other MovMed practices for proper breathing, posture, and nervous system health. 


Biomechanics Foundations: Learn how to activate and properly tension your body to move with balance and efficiency through space while correcting your posture and getting out of pain. Rehab, reconnect and move better through foundational practices that relate to how the human animal evolved to move. Included are intermediate practices for those ready to add complexity. If you like the way I train, chances are many of those practices are found here. 


Moving Iron: Learn my favorite kettlebell and steel mace practices that are simple and effective at building real-world strength that respects functionality. The kettlebell is one of the most valuable, minimalist tools there is. With a kettlebell, you can train outdoors, everywhere. The steel mace is modern-day warrior training that supports a healthy spine and rotational power. Both tools offer limitless options for outdoor, at-home training. 


Gymnastic Rings Foundations: This is arguably one of the most powerful, minimalist tools for developing serious strength. It can be taken anywhere and hung from a tree or beam. Although seemingly intimidating to some, this tool provides instability that develops a level of strength that is hard to cultivate without it. 


Introduction to Traditional Archery: Traditional archery is for everyone. It is one of the oldest human activities with so many benefits. You do not have to be a hunter to practice. In this section, you will learn everything you need to get started. 


Educational Courses 


Learn the foundations of circadian biology and the simple practices that will optimize your relationship with light to support the foundation of your health. Bad sleep? Hormones off? This section is likely for you. Learn how much light governs our physiology and experience the profound effects of optimizing it.

How to Eat Like a Human: Learn how to eat a biologically appropriate diet that regenerates the human body and the environment. Every month, we add more animal-based recipes to take the guesswork out of it and keep you inspired and satisfied eating how humans evolved to eat.


Exclusive Content


You will have access to my exclusive solo podcasts on specific topics, including re-villaging, relationships, intimacy, training, hunting, meditation practice, child-rearing, and more. 

Grow together with The Village


The Village is for everyone! The most powerful ingredient in this community is the community itself- the village. We need each other. The internet has us pinned against each other, fighting over nonsense. How do we escape this toxic distraction while benefiting from the internet to learn and grow. That is exactly why I built this community. We need a place to:

  1. Maintain accountability- when we buy in, we have skin in the game. Now we have a reason to show up.

  2. Learn through each other- Often, the missing piece in our strategy has already been lived through someone in our community. When we surround ourselves with like minded individuals on the pursuit of radical, healthy living, we inevitably learn through them.

  3. Support others and change their lives- Struggling for purpose? Your story and experience have the power to inspire and support others. Your vulnerability and participation will inevitably spark a positive and life-changing movement among other members. Change yourself, share, and change the world. 


This translates to LIVING fully.


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